
As a leader, you and your team face many challenges every day. To effectively communicate the company’s values, strategy and priorities as a leader, it is very important that you are aligned with each other. Even when the pressure is high and the speed of decision-making is high. Alignment on the chosen direction of the company, budget,  goals and the division of roles


Our executive training program provides the opportunity to take a moment to see where you stand as a company. Is the strategy still optimal, are the goals realistic, do we still have full alignment on the direction? Important questions!


We all get distracted. Every day, countless times. This distraction creates pressure, because if your attention is elsewhere than on your task, you cannot perform that task optimally. Your attention is fragmented, so you lack clarity and do not apply all available information in the performance of that task.

In the training we cover:

• Where pressure comes from and your natural response to it;

• Insights into different processes that help you recognize how you get distracted;

• How you subsequently get yourself back on Task, and especially stay there;

• The interplay between structure,, mindset and skillset;

• Communicate effectively with your employees and your supervisors;

• Practicing new techniques in a safe environment.


By using various tools and the practical translation of our tools to your daily activities, you will experience the impact of this new leadership.


Advantages of Gazing Performance Nederland B.V.

Our unique GPNL “map” and tools provide a clear, common language, focus, structure, are easy to remember and can serve as a guide to fall back on when you’re under pressure.

Gazing Performance - 3 wheels


E-mail us to set up a meeting.

YES, I want to know more!

Experienced Team


Maarten de Haan

Founder – Gazing Performance

Maarten likes to ensure positive results in the professional lives of others. His specialty as a coach is to ensure that teams and companies perform well and continue to perform. Improving performance under pressure and bringing back fun in your work and company. Maarten has been active as a speaker, improver and hybrid learning specialist for 25 years. Brainbased learning in combination with social learning makes professional behavior change effective and fun. It’s all about the Mindset.


Shall we meet?


Office: 085 – 3031 321
Maarten: 06 – 20 40 60 40